What's new in
IT market place
In this section we consider ways of joining IT sphere with minimum experience and feeling there like a fish in water
My product creation story

Relatively recently, I got a new hobby – I started doing pet product. I’m not sure that everyone will want to immerse themselves in this matter, but I was so fascinated that I dedicate almost all my free time to my own pet project.
At once I want to tell that the purpose of article – not a sale of my services or ready development. I won’t even describe the code review tool in detail. I just want to tell you how and what I did, what I achieved as a result. I am sure that there will definitely be readers who will find my experience not only interesting but also useful.

February 4th, 2021
Web development: what resources beginners worth pay attention to

A web developer who is just starting his career usually has a lot of questions.
How to start?
What sources to use?
Which way to go?
And many more.

February 4th, 2021
M – motivation. How to motivate and retain an IT specialist

The oar galley moved slowly through the morning mist of the fjord to the rhythmic beats of the drums. Periodically, one or the other rower picked up from his seat, and with shouts of “@ $ ^ & off this*” jumped overboard. Whipmaster looked sadly after the rower, who quickly walked away and thought: “Yes, something needs to be done with motivation on the project…”, turned to the other rowers and said nothing.

February 4th, 2021
Programming languages and their scope

The topic of programming languages does not lose its relevance. We decided to review the most popular of them so that you can choose the appropriate language based on your interests.

January 18th, 2021
Why companies should not avoid Junior specialists

Junior’s perpetual job search problem is that most companies prefer to hire experienced developers – that is, people who do not need training to complete their tasks. In particular, even for startups, it makes no sense to hire someone at a lower rate if that person cannot handle the task at hand. It turns out the traditional picture:
No experience – no work, no work – no experience.
So what, Juniors are out of work?

January 15th, 2021
Information for those who plan to enter IT from another area

Nowadays the cases when people of various specialties at a certain stage of life decide to enter IT and start building their careers in this direction have become more frequent. If you also decided to change your profession, then you should pay attention to practical recommendations that will help you succeed in a new endeavor.

January 18th, 2021
Recruiting Scaling: how to fill many jobs easily

Searching and hiring employees is often a chaotic process. The IT sphere in this regard is also no exception. Changes in the intensity of the search for candidates in most cases is associated with an increase in sales. When a company has an increasing order flow, it becomes necessary to hire additional specialists.

January 15th, 2021
How to become a Java programmer: debunking the myths about the profession

Before becoming a java programmer, you will have to bypass many competitors among job seekers. Already in 2017, the IT market began to quickly saturate with requests from the category “What is Java?” Since then, teaching this language has become even more popular. During these 3 years, graduates of universities and courses have been actively knocking on the doors of IT companies, sending their CVs before […]

January 15th, 2021
Junior developer tips from more experienced colleagues

In the first year of junior work, a developer can achieve good results. If you plan to start working in this direction, you need to set the right goals, learn to work with other specialists and master the subtleties of communicating with customers.

January 18th, 2021
How to conduct effective online Interviews: tips for an employer

Social distancing due to the coronavirus pandemic is forcing more employers to conduct online interviews. The demand for skilled IT professionals in areas such as data, web, user interaction, and project management is higher than ever.

January 18th, 2021