Main ---- Choice of direction ---- Information for those who plan to enter IT from another area

Information for those who plan to enter IT from another area

Nowadays the cases when people of various specialties at a certain stage of life decide to enter IT and start building their careers in this direction have become more frequent. If you also decided to change your profession, then you should pay attention to practical recommendations that will help you succeed in a new endeavor.

How to switch properly to IT from another area

To make the transition to a new field of activity as comfortable as possible, you first need to clearly understand where the programmer should work. This applies to both the choice of profession and the specific company in which you will build your career.

Before making a final decision to change your specialty, it is better to get to know the “dream job” better. To do this, you can chat with good friends working in the IT field and attend thematic events: trainings, webinars and conferences. Thus, you can form a more accurate idea of ​​the chosen profession and avoid rash actions. If the decision to enter IT-activity is final, it is still worthwhile to think carefully about what exactly you want to do and which position suits you by experience.

The organizational structure in IT companies is almost the same as in other areas. It is possible that after attending trainings or courses, you will have a desire to try yourself in positions that only indirectly relate to the IT field. For example, an analyst, sales manager, marketer, and the so on. In addition, such specialties as a lawyer, financier, accountant and others are quite in demand here. High-level of knowledge of English is also often required.

Therefore, if you are thinking about how to correctly switch to IT from another area, then you need to decide how much your new job will differ from the previous one. That is, you can start working both in the main specialization (but in the field of IT), and completely change the type of activity, taking advantage of new knowledge and existing professional experience.

Is programming right for you?

To understand better where to find a job as a programmer, you need to at least superficially study different IT-directions and related specialties:

  • Sales manager, business manager, business development manager, key account manager, vip-manager – these are positions that are ideal for people with trade skills, communication with people and excellent knowledge of the English language.
  • Account manager, support manager – vacancies that will appeal to those who are happy to provide customer service. English is definitely required, but more often an intermediate level will be enough.
  • Lead generator, PreSales Manager – a position for those who understand the principles of forming customer bases and know how to establish the first contact with them. Potential job applicants are usually quite loyal to the knowledge of the English language.
  • HR or recruiter – candidates who are distinguished by philanthropy and are constantly interested in news in the field of new technologies and the development of the IT market are suitable for this position.
  • Without knowledge of English and basic practical experience, you can try to get a vacancy for an operator, sales manager, and so on.
  • Accountants and economists who are immersed in the routine of their usual activities can retrain as 1C consultants or specialists in the implementation of accounting.

Studying out these nuances, you can better understand if programming is right for you. In any case, there are many opportunities to find oneself in the field of IT, the main thing is not to be afraid to overcome difficulties and be ready to learn.

Into IT from other industries

It is quite possible to achieve success in the field of IT, and there are more and more cases confirming this. The main thing is not to give up when difficulties arise and allow yourself to be independent of someone’s beliefs. Moreover, in order for your switch to IT from other industries bring the desired result and really allow you to reach a new level of comfortable life, you should adhere to some important principles.

Forget about stereotypes

This is especially true of age. Not only young people work in IT, and here age can hardly be called an advantage or a disadvantage. In general, a person who decides to change activities after 30 is a more valuable shot, since he already knows exactly what he wants. People over 50 also run the risk of leaving for a new field. Although there are not very many such experimenters yet, they have long been no exception to the rule.

Get ready to save

Changing jobs can reduce your usual budget. The income at the beginning of a career may be too low. Therefore, in the early stages, it is better to refrain from unnecessary spending. It is also advisable to have a “financial cushion” – then even unforeseen situations will not settle you and the desire to find yourself in a new sphere will remain unshakable.

Put learning first

At the same time, it is not necessary to acquire individual skills, but to study the profession as a whole. It is more difficult, but will bring good results in the future. In addition, employers respond positively to the availability of diplomas and certificates. Skills, of course, are more important, but sometimes a document on education may not be enough for a “dream job”.

Do not delay your job search

If you have already chosen whom to work in IT, then you can start looking for a suitable place even before the end of the courses. First, it can reduce downtime, and secondly, the fervor will not be lost. According to statistics, about a third of those who learned a new profession at a mature age did not dare to apply their knowledge in practice.

Do not be afraid of rejection

Most likely, the person who decides to change direction of activity is not among the candidates in great demand. Therefore, there can definitely be failures – and this is quite normal. What you should definitely not do is give up and give up on your dreams. Success loves the stubborn.

Support from loved ones is an important factor

This is especially true for family people, because changes in work will definitely affect the quality of life of the next of kin. It is good if the partner is ready to give up their usual way of life and take on part of the financial obligations for a certain period.

Analyze and identify errors

If your CV does not attract employers for a long period, it means that mistakes have been made while its preparation. Alternatively, the chosen niche is simply overflowed with job seekers. Therefore, before the final choice of a new profession, it is important to really assess your own chances of finding a job.

The advantages of the IT sphere are obvious: these are high salaries, and the possibility of remote work from anywhere in the world, and good prospects for a career.

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