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Choice of direction
In this section we consider ways of joining IT sphere with minimum experience and feeling there like a fish in water
How to choose a programming language?

Earlier, before the global web of mobile systems appeared, it was enough for an IT specialist to know one language, write code in it, and he was already considered a demanded developer. Today, employers have a large list of requirements even for junior-specialists, among them – knowledge of not only one programming language. Now a web developer needs to understand how to work with PCP, Javascript, Python, and […]

April 29th, 2021
What does a tester need to know?

The concept of testing implies a fully formed specialty in the IT industry, where there are relatively minimum requirements for starting, in comparison with other areas of development. A tester is an employee who is involved in testing digital products for performance, as well as finding bugs and improving quality.

May 27th, 2021

Based on the results of Candidate Experience Research

April 29th, 2021
Virtual exercises for team building, or how to establish connections when you work remotely

Remote teams have much fewer opportunities to communicate. This can lead to feelings of isolation, alienation from colleagues, even conflict in the team and reduced productivity.
Virtual teambuilding exercises can help teams that work remotely overcome these difficulties and evoke a sense of community and understanding.
In this article, we will look at why virtual teambuilding exercises are important, how they can benefit your team, and look at five teambuilding exercises you can try with your team.

May 21st, 2021
My story of product creation

Relatively recently, I got a new hobby – I started doing a pet product. I’m not sure that everyone will want to immerse themselves in this matter, but I was so fascinated that I dedicate almost all my free time to my own pet project.
At once I want to tell that the purpose of article – not a sale of my services or ready development. I won’t even describe the code review tool in detail. I just want to tell you how and what I did, what I achieved as a result. I am sure that there will definitely be readers who will find my experience not only interesting but also useful.

April 12th, 2021
Development of computer games

Most connoisseurs of rock music, at some point in their lives, pick up a guitar or sit down at a drum kit. Football fans dream of going out on the pitch and play. Those who love to drive in GTA, have achieved success in popular strategies or can play Counter-Strike for hours, as if at least once thought about the profession of a game developer.

April 12th, 2021
go to IT
Interview Assessment Methods: Tips for Juniors

Before getting a job, each of us goes through nine rounds of hell, important stages that allow you to look closely at the company and vice versa. Interviews, conversations, the outcome of which determines whether you get a job – not to mention everyone.

March 18th, 2021
How to move to IT from other areas

The field of IT is constantly evolving, expanding and opening new opportunities. Therefore, it is not surprising that more and more representatives of other spheres are willing to move to IT.

March 18th, 2021
go to IT
How to become a tester and earn from $ 3000: detailed instructions

A quick start, a sought-after IT profession, a salary in dollars, a social package and the opportunity to work in international companies – this is how many people imagine the profession of a tester

March 18th, 2021
What is employee loyalty and how to achieve it

Achieving employee loyalty is one of the main responsibilities of any employer. Thanks to it you can get many different benefits. From improving the efficiency of each employee, and ending with the creation of a positive image of the company in society.

April 13th, 2021