Based on the results of Candidate Experience Research

We asked a series of questions about communication channels with recruiters: where recruiters most often write with job offers, which channels are preferable to communicate in, how they feel about phone calls and messages in personal profiles on social networks.

The respondents could choose several options from the list, and it is expected that there are more channels recruiters knock on than candidates would like (on average, 1-2 preferred channels, versus 2-3 channels they write to). At the same time, only for 10% of respondents, the communication channel does not matter.

More often recruiters write you in

For you preferably to communicate in

There are two notable differences in the rankings of actual and preferred channels:

  • Recruiters write to mail and Skype with the same frequency, while Skype is a less preferred communication channel for candidates.
  • 18% of respondents, along with other channels, prefer to communicate in Telegram (only 2% of recruiters write there). Perhaps this is due to the declared security of this messenger, because the viber is also tied to a personal phone number and at the same time gained only 4% of the votes.

We urge you to remember that this is only 18% and not to write to everyone in a row there, because there are such comments:

“Writing in Telegram  and Viber is cancer.”

The ambiguity of handling job offers on personal social networks and instant messengers is also visible from the following question *

How do you treat messages form recruiters in personal profiles of social nets and messengers (Facebook, Telegram, Viber, VK, Instagram)?

9% Positively

51% Neutral

40% Extremely negatively

In 60% of cases, these channels can work. At the same time, in the remaining 40%, the recruiter may face, at best, with ignorance, at worst, with a negative reaction.

A bit of direct speech on this matter:

“Rather negative. There are places for work, there are places for rest. If a candidate wants to be contacted in a certain place, he will indicate it in the contacts. “

“So far, some recruiters have written to messengers, it is neutral, but if they write often, it will be very annoying, because I think that there are appropriate resources for business correspondence (linkedin, mail, djinni)”

“It depends on where they write. In the telegram – all right. In all other social networks – I will ignore. “

“V České republice to není přijato.”

“Telegram is positive, other social networks are negative.”

“Rather suspicious”

And for dessert about phone calls as a source of first contact with a candidate *

How do you feel about phone calls from recruiters you don’t know?

2% Positively

35% Neutral

62% Extremely negatively

In this case, the probability of being screwed increases markedly

More details on specialization:

Respondents’ comments:

“This is the experience of Western companies. It seems to me that we have not yet come to it or there is no need. “

“I don’t talk on the phone with strangers, in principle”

“I don’t pick up the phone from unknown numbers)”

“Rather negatively, I think that it is better to arrange a call to an unfamiliar candidate in advance in the messenger or by e-mail”

“It’s positive if I’m actively looking for a job. Negatively if I’m not looking. “

“Exclusively within the framework of the referral program”

“Positively, it makes me especially happy when it’s outside of working hours, at night, etc., this makes you feel important and you understand that you have the right to answer at any time, which gives flexibility.”

“Negative if they provide information in vague where they got my number. In other cases, neutral “


Consider candidates’ preferences and respect their personal space.

We admit that despite the painstaking work on the questions, we made a research oversight – it was more correct to provide the option “negative” instead of “extremely negative”, so as not to add unnecessary expression to this option. So we will read this answer as simply “negative” (although we received only 10 responses that did not agree with this formulation of the comment in the spirit of “not that extremely negative, but almost. Just negative”, “Rather negative, I would said, without extremes”).


Julia Wenger

Founder and Managing Partner in GUID


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