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The perfect resume: how to draw a recruiter’s attention to your candidacy

Google offers many summary designers, tips, and examples. However, most often the candidates work according to the years-old scheme: the resume indicates the name, age, contacts, jobs, education and mortal sins in the section Personal qualities. Well, these are the ones that “sociability, responsibility, PC ownership and high speed learning”. Such resumes are impersonal: together with you, a dozen other candidates will write that they know how to work in a team and are always ready to overcome obstacles.

Hence the simple thing: there is no single perfect resume.

Each company and each recruiter has their own criteria by which they select candidates.

End of article.

Although… let’s stop here a little more.

What is the right resume

You can easily imagine the work of a recruiter: from morning to evening CV, CV, CV, CV…

How many are there?


And among these identical, hastily written resumes, only a few stand out favorably.


The key to success is the ability to think like a recruiter. You may find your resume very cool and original. On the contrary, you may think that the main thing is to prove yourself in an interview or in a test assignment, so make a resume in as little as two minutes. But put yourself in the place of a recruiter: every day from morning to evening he sees the typical resumes that the candidates seem to have written off. So to please a recruiter, you need to have a clear idea of ​​what he wants to see in the CV.

The main requirement for the resume – conciseness of presentation and completeness of the necessary information. Let’s dwell in more detail on the latter.

Examples of classic resumes can be easily found online. But almost everyone knows how to use the Internet, so there are many similar resumes. In such a situation, it is difficult for a recruiter to distinguish one candidate from another, it is difficult to see the benefits. In most cases, the only thing a recruiter can understand is that the candidate was so lazy to even fill out a resume that he wrote everything like a photocopier. So maybe you don’t need such a candidate?

A well-written resume answers the urgent question “Who are you and how will you be useful to the company?”. After reading the resume, the recruiter should understand whether you have relevant experience, what position you are applying for, what skills and knowledge you have, where you can see examples of your work, and so on. This information helps you decide whether to invite you for an interview or send you a test assignment. You do not need to pour water and take the recruiter “quantity” – it is better to emphasize quality.

Add a photo or not – your personal choice. However, in most cases, resumes with photos are more likely to receive feedback. In addition, recruiters are more interested in communicating with a real person, rather than with a question mark on the avatar. So, as they say – do not be ashamed.

But no matter how easy it may seem, you don’t have to do a resume in a hurry – most likely, you will start making mistakes, and your candidacy will go wandering through the woods of lost resumes. Introduce the recruiter to yourself, not to a fictional ideal candidate.

Below we will analyze the main points of the resume that are worth paying attention to.


Information about yourself

I’m as real as a donut!


In addition to what your name is, how old you are and what city you live in, the recruiter is interested to know a little more about you as a specialist. Juniors, as a rule, still have little to say. So you can indicate where you studied, what technologies you managed to work with, what responsibilities you performed. Explain why you are interested in this vacancy and indicate that you are ready to complete the test task.



Do you find me sadistic?


The most painful point for beginners, but without it no way.

Again, you do not need to provide all the information for a more comprehensive summary. If you are planning to become a Python developer, you do not need to write that you have worked as a lawyer or translator. Especially if it is the only entry in the section.

Companies are more likely to pay attention to a candidate who has worked in similar positions and performed similar work. Junior specialists cannot boast of rich experience, so they should indicate all the successful projects they have worked with. It can be freelance, successful internship, training projects, even friendly help. If you already have a couple of projects – great. Describe what you did there and what benefits the company brought. Focus on those tasks that are similar to those specified in the vacancy.

Almost all courses have enough practical tasks, as well as a final project where students have the opportunity to demonstrate their skills. Tell this to a potential employer.

Unfortunately, newcomers with burning eyes are ignored by employers if you can’t offer them anything but “I want to work!”

Do not stop at the end of the course. Develop further, do your own fan projects, do not give up free internships or freelance projects for which you pay little. And you will have something to point out in the terrible section “Work Experience”.


Courses and trainings

Ooh… That’s a bingo!


In the part “Courses and trainings” it is very easy to set up, indicating all the completed trainings, even if they have nothing to do with the desired vacancy. The only benefit of this is that you will improve the mood of the recruiter, but for your candidacy this joke will be deadly.

Courses related to the potential profession should be mentioned as additional education. If you have acquired relevant knowledge and skills, you should indicate them. A good developer must be constantly updated and learn something new. This applies not only to technology, but also, for example, language courses. If you are applying to a company that works with foreign customers, it will not be superfluous to indicate that you have studied English or German.

Massage techniques, Hebrew or a master class on “LGBT children in the media” are cool for personal development. But the percentage that you will need this knowledge, for example, in project management – is minimal. So let this knowledge be a surprise for your future colleagues.


Personal skills

Are you gonna bark all day, little doggie?

Or are you gonna bite?


You can write an ode to your candidacy.

And you can describe exactly how you plan to apply your skills to their tasks, which will be more useful for a potential employer.

No need to embellish reality – write everything in essence. For example, instead of “I’m learning new quickly,” write “I created a web store from scratch” and attach a link. Instead of “Creative approach to work”, write “Created a number of banners that meet not only the concept of the brand, but also modern trends. Here is a link to the portfolio.

Do not scatter vain promises – clearly show the employer how he benefits from your candidacy.




-What does your portfolio look like?


-Portfolio – you know what I’m sayin ’!


-Describe what your portfolio looks like!


-Say ‘what’ again. Say ‘what’ again, I dare you, I double dare you, say what one more time!

It is better to see once than to hear a hundred times. In the case of the portfolio, everything works that way.

Sometimes candidates indicate a large list of skills in an attempt to impress. And, having started work, it turns out that the newly hired employees use the technology crookedly, because they worked with it only once. And this is at best.

The portfolio clearly demonstrates who is who.



Junior professionals face many obstacles on the way to getting their first serious job. Writing a cool CV without a lot of experience is a task with an asterisk, but it is not impossible. It is important for the recruiter to see that you are ready to work and have a certain base that is needed to work in this position. Hiring a jun is like making a serious investment, and the company needs to see who they are investing in.

Tell us about yourself briefly and in essence. Avoid clichés, mentions of failed projects, or information about past positions if they have nothing to do with potential ones. Focus on your accomplishments – for example, while studying or on a freelance project. And don’t forget to look at the resume objectively, as a recruiter

If you want to get a decent resume, but do not want to spend a lot of time – use the resume designer on JunGo. Here you can specify all the necessary items without being afraid to forget something.

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