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Interview Assessment Methods: Tips for Juniors

Before getting a job, each of us goes through nine rounds of hell, important stages that allow you to look closely at the company and vice versa. Interviews, conversations, the outcome of which determines whether you get a job – not to mention everyone.

The whole point and number of questions and meetings comes down to finding out a simple but important thing: how well you fit into the company and its culture. There were times when flexibility of mind and willingness to learn guaranteed a Junior a ticket to the next round.

However, time goes by, everything changes, so we need to be on topic. As a rule, at least two interviews are conducted in the IT sphere:



Accordingly, evaluation methods are also different. In this article, we’ll look at each of them and look at interview assessment methods to help you be fully equipped for your next interview.

Let’s go!

General interview

A general interview is what we are all used to and what we have all been through. The recruiter will be interested in fragments of the biography: where they worked, when they worked, what they did, what successes they achieved. In addition, your values, competencies and motivation will be evaluated.

Various techniques are used for this purpose. For example: ups that allow you to look closely at the company and vice versa. Interviews, interviews, conversations, the outcome of which determines whether you get a job – not to mention everyone.

Competency interview

Cool thing, it’s performed by an experienced recruiter. For each vacancy in many companies, a number of competencies are prescribed, which should ideally be possessed by the candidate.

For example, for a designer – creativity, for a financier – analytical skills, etc. There are several for each area. The recruiter asks a number of questions that help to identify this or that competence. The trick is that you may not understand at all why such questions sound. However, for the recruiter, they help clarify certain points regarding your candidacy.

Project issues

They can be either one of the tools for competence interviews or completely autonomous. Allow you to identify subconscious aspirations and motives of the individual, as well as determine the emotional state, without direct reference to your experience. Most often you are asked to evaluate other people or fictional characters, their actions and deeds.

For example, why is there theft in some companies and not in some? Or why do some leaders have authority in the team and some do not?

This technique looks especially elegant in the performance of an experienced recruiter. The fact is that it is always easier to talk about others than about yourself. However, by telling, you yourself demonstrate your own attitude to the necessary topic, problem, etc.

One of the favorite tools of recruiters are cases.

The bottom line is that you are voiced hypothetical situations and watched how you behave. If necessary, they can add new details and ask additional questions. So recruiters test your motivation.

Another interesting thing is the analysis of metaprograms. Metaprograms are features of your way of thinking that determine behavior and are formed throughout life. As a rule, we use them unconsciously, due to which it is almost impossible to simulate them.

For example, analyzing metaprograms, you can evaluate the internal and external reference.

How does this happen?

You are asked a simple question: do you consider yourself a good specialist? Most likely, you will answer “yes” – you want to get a job.

The next question will be: “Why”? And just in response, your motivation will be visible.

Someone will say: “I have always received recognition from the customer / colleagues / teacher!” It is an external feeling in which you focus on others, and the evaluation of your work has an external origin – that is, from an authoritative leader and your colleagues.

And someone will say, “Because I’m doing a great job!” This is an inner conviction in one’s own professionalism and coolness. Sometimes recruiters analyze these same features of thinking in pairs. This makes it easier to evaluate the meaning of what is said and your metaprograms at the same time. In addition, this way recruiters quickly compose your overall portrait, which will already fit or not fit into their “gallery”.

We emphasize that the actions we described above work only if you are a “green” specialist. When a candidate is a super cool senior, who has been on the market for only a dozen or two years, no one will seriously apply all this to him. In this case, enough basic adequacy and ability to work in a team.

Technical interview

The next step in your Get a Job quest is a technical interview.

It is conducted by professionals who can assess your specific skills. Agree, it is unlikely that a recruiter is able to assess programming skills. As a rule, for each vacancy there is a certain set of technical skills – skillset, about which the recruiter has only a basic understanding. This understanding is enough not to miss a clearly impassable candidate for a technical interview.

At this stage, it is proposed to perform test tasks.

Test tasks are used for both high-level managers and young professionals. Range of application – from language to technical positions. This explains the warm feelings of recruiters to test tasks and the frequency of their use. Ideally, these are complexes for one or two days with many test tasks, group and individual. When properly constructed, it gives the recruiter maximum information about the candidate.

However, this is quite expensive if the test task is paid. In this case, its presence indicates the seriousness of the company’s approach to the selection of the team. Well, or about the unlimited budget of the company, which also happens.

Individual versions of the test task on time can also be quite good to give the recruiter an idea of ​​how much you are in the subject.


Warned – means armed.

Juniors do not yet have super abilities in the chosen field and do not have enough experience in their own presentation. So it is better to be ready for all of the above at once.

Don’t be alarmed if there are too many interviews in one company. Often they really take place in 4-5 stages. And often unmotivated IT professionals may not even get there. Of course, in an ideal world, two meetings would be enough to understand if you are right for the company and the company is right for you, but that’s it.

So go ahead, and let everyone be in their place in professional life!


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