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Recruiting Scaling: how to fill many jobs easily

Searching and hiring employees is often a chaotic process. The IT sphere in this regard is also no exception. Changes in the intensity of the search for candidates in most cases is associated with an increase in sales. When a company has an increasing order flow, it becomes necessary to hire additional specialists.

How to search for candidates quickly and efficiently

If in your company, there is a need to significantly expand the staff, and you need to select and recruit staff quickly, you can use the following methods:

  1. Use the services of an agency. Having hired consultants, you need to allow them to work with managers responsible for personnel. It is better for the manager himself to withdraw from the process in order to give the agency’s employees maximum freedom. In such an atmosphere, they can work extremely efficiently. Your recruiters also need to be warned so that they do not interfere with the attracted consultants and interact with them without trying to compete.
  2. Take another recruiter in the personnel. With a large number of projects, an additional competent employee will be able to focus only on recruiting, which will significantly speed up the process of finding candidates. Moreover, in case of a decline in activity in the company, this employee could take up work on related tasks.
  3. Try outsourcing (Recruitment Process Outsourcing). During active sales, you can conclude an agreement with large vendors. One of the examples is Antal Russia. These companies provide their own recruiters who can fully recruit and select staff. All you need to do is pay the required amount at the established rate. On average, outsourced recruiters master a new business within 1 or 2 months.
  4. Find temporary executives. We are talking about employees who are involved in one or two projects. You can take people with minimal experience, but obvious labor enthusiasm. These recruiters need to be well trained, preparing them to work with specific tasks. After the completion of the project, cooperation with these people ends. Particularly talented recruiters can be hired.

It should be noted that it is easier to attract newcomers to certain projects. As experienced hiring professionals rarely agree to such offers. They are looking for more stable employment. However, you can attract good professionals who know how to fill a difficult vacancy if you promise them a transfer to the state if the plans are fulfilled.

What to do after increasing CV flow

First, you need to provide fast and high-quality feedback. Project information should be updated immediately, preferably within a day (or faster). This format of work will allow you to quickly adjust the process of searching for candidates.

However, the manager should explain that, first of all, you need to think not about how to quickly fill a vacancy, but about how to find a suitable specialist. After all, his main responsibility is not to speed up the processing of applications, but to choose the best employee.

The next thing to do is ensure that you have the tools you need for full sourcing (clean search). Otherwise, the process of processing the social networks and backgrounds of candidates will be greatly slowed down.

You will also need software for storing CVs and dividing them into groups. One of the best options is a candidate management system (ATS platform) with analytics functionality.

We will have to pay attention to pumping flexible skills. Often, the launch of projects is carried out without thorough preliminary preparation, the formation of documentation, etc. As soon as funds are received, work begins. In such situations, you need to be able to act on the go. This is where you need the ability to quickly find external recruiters – agencies, contractors, etc.

Basic rules to help fill almost any vacancy

To greatly simplify the search for employees, it is necessary to create an attractive corporate brand image. This rule applies to both large companies and startups.

One of the working ways to close a vacancy is to use employee feedback. In this regard, thematic posts on social networks, threads on forums and posting articles on specialized sites work well.

For example, say your company achieved impressive results in a standalone project, or hosted an expensive event that delighted those involved. You need to talk about this using social networks, YouTube and other channels. At the same time, customers or participants should share their impressions.

Thus, you can not only increase scaling when recruiting, but also attract new customers. After all, such information will make the company more attractive to candidates and will quickly find the right specialists. It is important that all data are true, otherwise you can get a negative effect. People don’t like to be deceived.

Work in social networks

Before starting work with a company’s social media account, you need to carefully analyze the target audience. You need to understand what is interesting and important for these users. Next, you need to draw up a publication plan. That is, you will have to conduct competent content marketing.

As an example of target audience, we can take two categories of users of social networks:

  • students of technical universities;
  • experienced IT specialists.

Both of these groups may be interested in these types of content:

  • dosed information about the company’s products with the disclosure of their advantages;
  • a description of the corporate culture (company values, what the team likes to do, etc.);
  • development opportunities for new employees;
  • a description of how cozy and mature the atmosphere reigns within the team.

It makes sense to organize small meetings of specialists to discuss pressing issues in the general area. You can invite outside professionals, touching on relevant topics.

As a result, you will be able to form a loyal community of experienced professionals, among whom it will be easy to select the right employees for a new project. Nevertheless, you need to understand that interaction with potential candidates through content only works if the information is high quality and useful.

How to close a difficult vacancy

Effective HR departments are constantly looking for the right candidates, even when vacancies for ongoing projects are closed. After all, today the team is complete, and tomorrow it may have free places. Therefore, it is necessary to constantly collect contacts of specialists, even if they were not hired after the interview. This practice should become a professional habit of recruiters.

When the need arises to find a large number of specialists, the necessary resumes will already be at your fingertips. This creates an analogue of a “safety cushion” in the vacancy category. For a company that has a large database of job seekers, there are no open positions.

When looking for new employees, you must adhere to the following rules:

When posting vacancies and calling candidates, you need to understand exactly what characteristics are key for the company.

It is important to think over the motivation system – the size of the salary, bonuses, working conditions, etc.

It is better to break vacancies into narrow groups of specialists, without trying to find universal workers.

Thanks to this approach, even those candidates whom you refuse to work for, will remember you as a serious and promising company.

There is no such thing as unfulfilled vacancy

To ensure an influx of personnel during periods of active development of the company, a recruiter needs to competently work with candidates. If we are not talking about a very large project, then interviews in 4-6 stages with different test tasks are unnecessary. This approach does not make your organization attractive in the eyes of the candidate and has the opposite effect – the professional will most likely start looking for another vacancy.

The hiring process must be constructive. For an ordinary company, two stages will be enough:

Interview with the team lead and HR manager. At this stage, the specialist’s hard and soft skills are evaluated.

An interview with the HR director and the head of the team for which people are selected.

After completing these two stages of the interview, you need to make a decision. This approach will allow to attract the maximum number of specialists to work in a short time. You also need to give feedback within the agreed time frame and do this even if the candidate is not suitable in everything. This is how the correct image of the company is formed.

Working with universities

Searching for candidates in specialized universities is another way to fill many vacancies. Especially when it comes to recruiting employees with an entry-level qualification. The good thing about students is that they can be trained as specialists. They will be grateful for a good job and will approach the tasks with enthusiasm.

To select young employees, it is necessary to draw up a list of suitable universities and perform the following steps:

  • set up communications with universities;
  • visit universities with guest lectures, thereby drawing the attention of students to the prospect of working in a prestigious company;
  • organize a competent and convenient internship;
  • involve young professionals in the company’s product;
  • based on the results of the internship, offer a job to the best candidates.

As an effective addition, you can implement a referral program in the company. The principle of “bring a trained specialist and get money” works well in the IT sphere and beyond. It is necessary to determine the amount of remuneration and to voice the rules of this system to the team. Several bonus levels can be made depending on the qualifications of the invited candidate. The more experienced the specialist, the greater the reward.

In this way, you will formulate the basic rules that will help fill almost any vacancy. In addition, when you need to hire new employees again, you can do it with high quality and in a short time.

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